
Welcome to Code 101 With Python! This book is designed to get you up and running, from learning about variables all the way to building a simple pong game, no coding experience required. We'll cover the basic building blocks of code, along with some basic development skills, and we'll build some small projects together.

How the Book Works

Code 101 With Python is split up into 4 parts:

  1. Intro to Code — this covers the basics of computer history and fundamental code building blocks, as well as a few exercises.
  2. Intro to Development — here, we cover setting up a basic development environment and learn about the various tools programmers use day-to-day.
  3. Basic Development — delving more into packages and methods, as well as building two small projects together!
  4. About Classes — tackling a slightly more complex concept, classes, along with a build of Pong as our final project.

🚀 These parts are intended to be tackled in order, especially if you've never written code before, so don't skip ahead without reading the previous chapters! We've tried to keep the information in here clean and concise, covering the essentials of how Python works and making sure you learn how to develop programs on your own.

About the Authors

This book was written by two Python programmers, Nathan Yeung (@ThatNerdSquared) and Charlie Zhang (@ragequit81). We couldn't find a clear, freely-available guide on getting started with code and Python, so we decided to start this project. Feel free to contact us1 if you have questions, suggestions, or ideas!

Ready to get started? Click the right arrow at the bottom of this page to move on to the first section: Intro To Code.


Open an issue on the GitHub; if you don't know how to do this, we'll cover it in Chapter 2, so hang tight for now.